Individual work 3 for EL210
What exactly is info tech? 85% of people polled recently had not a clue what is meant, although 53% of those polled said they thought it sounded pretty important. They were right. So what is it? Well, it is the products from several key industries: computers, telephones, television, and satellites. It means using micro-electronics, telecommunication networks, and fibre optics to help produce, store, obtain and send information by way of words, numbers, pictures and sound more quickly and efficiently than ever before.
The impact info tech is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous. It is already linking the skills of the space industry with those of cable television, so programmes can be beamed directly into our homes from all over the world. The robots will soon be working in factories doing the boring, complex and unpleasant jobs which are at present still done by man. In some areas such as the car industry this has already started.
Today, we can use infotech in the different parts of the life. Television is used to enable customers to shop from comfort of their homes by simply ordering via the TV screen, payment being made by direct debit of their credit cards. Cable television which in many countries now gives a choice of dozens of channels is used to protect our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms linked to police and fire stations. Computers run our homes, controlling the heating, air conditioning and cooking systems. The postman was a thing of the past and instead of the postal service and letters, the electronic mail is received via view data screens.
Мэдээллийн технологи
Мэдээллийн технологи гэж яг юу вэ? Хүмүүсийн 85% нь санал асуулгад оролцоогүй боловч тэдгээрийн 53% нь санал асуулгыг ихээхэн чухал зүйл гэж үзсэн. Тэдний зөв байсан. Тэхээр энэ юу гэсэн үг вэ? энэ бол аж үйлдвэрлэлийн онцгой үр дүн юмаа: компьютер, утас, зурагт гэх мэт. Бараа бүтээгдэхүүн, бичгэн мэдээлэл, тоо, зураг, дууг цаг хугацааны хувьд маш хурдан чанартай илгээх болон хүлээн авахад электрон техник, утасгүй холбоо, шилэн кабель хэрэглэгдэж байна.
Мэдээллийн технологийн нөлөө бидний ажил амьдралд байсаар байна, байх ч болно. Энэ нь аль хэдийнээ аж үйлдвэртэй хэлхээ холбоотой болсноор кабелын телевизээр дамжин олон сувагууд дэлхийн хаанаас бол хаанаас бидний гэрт шууд хүрдэг. Өдийг хүртэл хүмүүсийн хийж ирсэн уйтгартай хэцүү ярвигтай ажлуудыг ирээдүйд роботууд хийх болно. Зарим газруудад аль хэдийнэ машинжсан аж үйлдвэр эхэлчихсэн.
Бид өнөөдөр амьдралынхаа мөч бүрт мэдээллийн технологийг ашиглаж байна. Гэрээсээ зурагтынхаа дэлгэцээр дамжуулан хялбар аргаар бараа захиалан авч, төлбөрөө төлбөрийн картаар хийх боломжтой болсон. Олон улс орнууд кабелын телевизээр хүмүүсийн гэр орныг хулгайч нараас хамгаалсан мөн галын дохио, цагдаа, гал командтай холбогдсон 12 сувгаас сонголт хийлгэдэг. Компьютерууд бидний гэрийн халаалт, агааржуулалт болон галын өрөөний системийг хянадаг. Өмнө нь шуудан зөөгч шуудангын үйлчилгээг хийдэг байсан бол одоо компьютероосоо цахим шууданг явуулдаг болсон.
Info tech is the part of the technological revolution and that is with us now.
I. Read the text and answer the questions.
1. What is an information technology?
It is the products from several key industries.
2. Where will info tech be used in the future?
In factories doing the boring, complex and unpleasant jobs which are at present still done by man
3. Where can we use info tech today?
We can use info tech in the different parts of the life.
II. Match the numbers to the definition of the word.
1 cable a. a light breeze
2 car b. moving an image via waves
3 unpleasant c. a heavy strong made of metal wire
4 air d. an automobile
5 television e. displeasing
1-c 2-d 3-e 4-b 5-a
III. Fill in the gaps with a correct word or phrase.
(our homes, our live, Info tech, controlling the heating, tremendous)
1. The impact info tech is having and is going to have on our live and work is tremendous.
2. We can use Info tech in the different parts of the life.
3. Computers run our homes controlling the heating air conditioning and cooking systems.
4. The impact info tech is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous Computers run our homes controlling the heating, air conditioning and cooking systems.
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