Individual Work 1
Expressing likes and dislikes
Exercise 1. Lead In
· What do you think or how do you express the meaning of the phrase ‘’pros and cons’’?
· When you have to introduce yourself do you talk about your positive and negative characteristics?
· Describe your likes and dislikes?
Exercise 2. Reading
a. Read the text and then tell about your friend adding you ideas and thoughts.
b. Choose adjectives which are opposite in meaning to the adjectives in bold.
Selfish- helpful-тусархаг worse- best-маш сайн
Dishonest- honest-шударга hardworking- lazy-залхуу
Narrow-broaden-өргөжих quiet- NOISY-шуугиантай
Useless-useful-ашигтай late- punctual-хоцрохгүй байх
undisciplined- disciplined-сахилга бат
My friend’s name is Baatar. He has got black hair, a broad forehead, a equabled nose and brown eyes. He is not short, maybe he is the tallest one in my class. That is why he always plays in basketball team of the school of MUST where he studies. Though he is always involved in sports and games, He is very disciplined. He always do his homework on time. He is keen on learning. He is good at helpful /mathematics, chemistry, drawing/, but he tries to never show pride in his abilities and always try to learn harder. His family is not rich enough. His parents are broaden /retired workers, factory workers,traders in market/. And he has useless brothers. He often spends most of his spare time doing useful things to help his parents. He gets up early in the morning to have enough time to do his homework before going to school. After school in the afternoon , he works in a honest as a disciplined. The money he gets from my part time job is sufficient for his school fees. He always wants to be honest, punctual and helpful. He is always ready to help my friends in their study; as a result, some of my friends have become good at the best /English,mathematics,chemistry/. It just makes him happy looking them getting better at their subjects.
One major belief that all of us agree on is that friends should share their thoughts and knowledge. This enables us to know each other very well.
There are many things that he dislikes; but the ones he dislikes the most are noise and laziness.
Noise disturbs him greatly. This is why he hates to live in a city. In a city, vehicles run to and fro dawn till midnight. This makes the city very noisy indeed. The voices of thousands of people living close to one another also add to the noises caused by the vehicles.
Finally, he hates laziness because a lazy boy is a problem not only to his parents but also to others. By refusing to do any work, he compels others to do for him. He hates to see such a person, even if he is his own brother or father.
Exercise 3. Vocabulary improvement
Match the definitions to the adjectives and then complete the sentences.
1. Generous-өгөөмөр a. ...unwilling to work or be active; doing as little as possible.
2. Punctual-нямбай b. ... remaining faithful to sb/ sth and supporting them or it.
3. Friendly-нөхөрсөг c. ... not able to plan or organize well.
4. Hardworking-ажилсаг d. ... giving or willing to give freely.
5. Loyal-үнэнч e. ...Happening or doing sth at the arranged or correct time.
6. Mean-харамч f. ... putting a lot of effort into a job and doing it well.
7. Self-centered-өөрийн төв g. ... behaving in a kind and pleasant way.
8. Lazy -залхуу h. ...tending to think only about yourself.
9. Impatient-тэвчээргүй i. ... not willing to give or share sth, especially money.
10. Disorganized-замбараагүй j. .... annoyed or irritated by sb/ sth, specially because you have to wait for a long time.
1D | 2E | 3G | 4F | 5B | 6I | 7H | 8A | 9J | 10C |
1. I had been waiting for them for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.
2. She has always remained loyal to her political principles. She never changes her opinion.
3. Paul is very generous person. He often gives money for local charities.
4. I was too lazy to do so much work.
5. Melinda has been reliable and punctual . She is never late for work.
6. My brother always has a friendly smile on his face.
7. Our team workers are very hardworking . The never feel tired.
8. Andrew does not like giving things. We all know he is very mean .
9. They can’t work in a disorganized office since they are the most organized workers here.
10. Self - centered people often take care only themselves, they don’t think how others feel.
Exercise 4.
Find out the letters to make personality adjectives.
1. Intelligent: clever
2. Thinking first of one’s own interests:selfish
3. Not excited, nervous or upset:calm
4. Likes giving orders: bossy
5. Behaving in a pleasant way: friendly
6. Friendly and thoughtful:kind
7. Not generous:mean
8. Obstinate, determined not to give in: stubborn
Exercise 5. Speaking
Describe your positive and negative characteristics and your likes and dislikes.
My characteristic
My name is Damdinsuren. I have a got black hair, a bright eyebrow and brown eyes. I am seldom plays in Tennis , billiard and volleyball. I am studying The Mongolian University of science and Technology in Mining engineering school now. I am very strive at honest. I am always do homework on time. I am good at very mathematics, chemistry, society and natural science. My family is not rich enough. My parents are hardworking pharmacist and city modernize.
I am get up early in the morning to have enough time to do homework before going to school. After school in the afternoon ; I give in the Garden youngsister. I am always wants to be honest, punctual and helpful.
I dislikes the most are noise, laziness and play PC game. Noise disturbs me greatly. This is why my hates to live in city. In a city, vehicles run to and dawn until night. This makes the city very very noise indeed. The voices of how many millions of people living close to one another also add to the noises caused by the vehicles.
I hate laziness because a lazy girl and boy have a problem not only to parents but also to others. By refusing to do never work ; He compels others to do for me. So we must riddance from lazy.
Finally ; I think American people are very friendly and helpful because they have lot of very friendly. I sang Lady gaga songs with them. I feel happily at that time myself. They saw joyful me. My best friend’s name’s Fase. He is 18 years old. My friend is in loyal. He is speaking little Mongolia. I try understand him when he spoke with me English about all things. Now I write e-mail to them everyday and change each others our meanings.
New words:
Remaining- үлдэгдэл faithful-үнэнч,журамтай,сүсэгтэн
Support- дэмжлэг plan-төлөвлөгөө
Organize-зохион байгуулах freely-сул, чөлөөтэй,дураараа
Arrange-зохицуулах effort-зүтгэл, чармайлт
Pleasant-тааламжтай annoyed-сэтгэл дундуур,уур нь хүрсэн
Irritated-уурлуулах specially-Онцгойлон, тусгайлан
Share- хувь хэмжээ, ноогдол tend-хэлбийх, хэлтийх
Part-хэсэг broad-өргөн хэсэг
Useful-ашигтай noisy- дуу ихтэй
Behave-ааш гаргах,авирлах pleasаnt-таатай, аятайхан
Way-зам, зүг чиг Change-хувирах,өөрчлөх
opinion-санал бодол political-улс төрийн
Often-олон удаа,дандаа charity-тэтгэх туслах, буяны үйлс
Reliable-найдвартай,итгэлтэй feel-мэдрэх,хүртэхүй
Tired-эцсэн ядарсан try-хийж үзэх, оролдох
Care-санаа тавих themselves-тэд өөрсдөө
Keen-хурц principle-гол бодлого, зарчим
Too-дэндүү,хэтэрхий team-спортын баг
Since-хойш arrange-зохицуулах,цэгцтэй болгох
Correct-зөв,яг,нарийн,засах put- тавих,байрлуулах,суулгах
Kind-төрөл,анги about-орчим,тухай,ойролцоо
Unwilling-дургүй,хүсэлгүй willing-бэлэн,дагуу,дуртай,дуулгавартай
Active-идэвхтэй,ажил хэрэгч possible-боломжтой,болмоор
Pride-бахархал Show-харуулах,үзүүлэх
Ability-авьяас meaning-утга,санаа,ач холбогдол
Spend-өнгөрөх,үрэх,зарах after- дараа
Sufficient-хангалттай,хүрэлцээтэй fee- хөлс, төлбөр
<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->established-Нутагшсан,тогтсон
Individual WORK 2 for pre-intermediate students
Mongolian University of Science and Technology
MASTER instructor: B.RS48 (Б. Эрдэнэчимэг)
Exercise-1. Read the text and answer the following guestions.
1. When was the university founded?
The Mongolian university of science and technology was founded in 1969.
2. What anniversary did the university celebrate last year?
The university was celebrated in the 50th anniversary last year.
3. How many branch schools are there in the university?
There are 17 branch schools in the university.
4. What specialized professionals has the university been producing?
The university has producing mining engineer, civil construction , power electrical, geology and oil prospecting ,computer and telecommunication .
5. What system is implemented newly for academic purpose at the university?
The university has been implementing the credit-based system.
6. What foreign universities and organizations has the university cooperated?
The university has cooperated colleges and universities scientific research institutions in the USA,Japan, Russia, Republic of korea, Germany,Ukraine,Canada,People’s republic of China.
7. Are the students can get internet access at the university?
8. When was the new building for the library completed?
The library was completed in the 50th anniversary of MUST in the 2009-2010 academic year.
· The Mongolian university of science and technology /MUST/ is the leading university and plays an important role in the national development of the country. It was founded in 1969 and since is establishment, university has been producing a great number of engineers and professionals specialized in engineering field such as mining, civil construction, power electrical, geology and oil prospecting , food processing, light industry and design, computer telecommunication mechanical and material study.
· MUST has been implementing the credit-based system of studying since 1999 and today we are following the credit system. Since 2005, we have been implementing distance learning for post graduate study including e-learning for master students. The academic staff consists of leading specialists in the engineering , technical and natural sciences fields. Building upon historical strengths in engineering , mathematics, mechanics, physics and management MUST campus currently offers over 3000 courses in more than 130 undergraduate majors and the specializations at 17 schools of the university. Thirteen schools of the 17 are in Ulaanbaatar and the other four are in provinces in the Mongolian countryside and other cities. There are 675 lectures in the university . among them are 21 Doctor of science ,117 Doctor of Philosophy and the remaining have Master Degree.
· Foreign relations
The university has actively conducted academic exchange and cooperation with related colleges and universities of scientific research institutions in the United states , Japan, Russia, Republic of Korea, Germany,Ukraine, Canada , People’s Republic of China and etc.
MUST is a member of international organizations as International Association of Universities /IAU/, International Association for the Exchanges Students for Technical Experience /IAESTE/ and etc.
· Network
In 1995 the first local area network was set up at the University. Since then the engineers and technicians of the university have been assembling and developing network connecting schools and departments. There are many computer laboratories equipped with modern PCs and techniques. These labs are all have internet access. Our web address is and please visit our University’s web and you can get more information about the University.
· Library
The science and Technology library was established in 1967 on the base of the library of economical school of the national university of Mongolia.
A new comfortable seven-storey building for the library was completed in the 50thanniversary of MUST in the 2009-2010 academic year. The library is working to serve for professors, lectures, teachers, students, research workers and readers to expand their knowledge and education. It provides modern requirements of services and information and in the near future the library will be recognized as an e-library.
Монголын шинжлэх ухаан технологийн их сургууль нь манай улс орны хөгжилд дэвшил чухал үүрэгтэй үйл ажиллагаа явуулж буй шилдэг сургууль юм. Тус сургууль нь 1069 онд байгуулагдснаас хойш , уул уурхайн иргэний барилгын цахилгаан эрчим хүчний ,геологи газрын тос эрэл хайгуулын , хоол хүнсний технологийн үйлдвэрийн, загварчлалын болон комьпютер алсын холбоо материал судлалын зэрэг олон төрлийн салбартаа шилдэг гэгдэх инженер мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэж ирсэн . МУШУТИ- сургууль нь 1999 оноос хойш кредитд суурилсан системийг сургалтандаа нэвтрүүлж , өдгөөг хүртэл кредитийн системийг даган мөрдөж байна.
Магистрын оюутнууд эрдмийн зэрэг цолтой багш нар интернетээр хичээл заах болсон. Багш албан хаагчид нь: техникийн тэргүүлэх мэргэжилтэн, БШУ-ны салбарын мэргэжилтэнгээс бүрддэг.
17 салбар сургууль байдгийн 13 нь улаанбаатар хотод , үлдсэн 4 харъяа сургууль нь хөдөө орон нутаг болон бусад хотуудад байдаг. Тус сургуульд 675 лектор байдаг. Тэдний 21 нь ШУ-доктор, 117 нь түүх философын эрдмийн зэрэгт доктор професууд байдаг.
Гадаад харилцаа
ШУТИС нь багш ажилчдын солилцооны хөтөлбрийг идэвхитэй нэвтрүүлэн мөн Америк, Япон, Солонгос, Орос ,Герман , Украйн, Канад, Хятад зэрэг орнуудын ШУ-н судлалын коллеж, их дээд сургууль , байгуулагуудтай холбоо тогтоож хамтран ажилладаг.
ШУТИС нь олон улсын их дээд сургуулиудын холбоо мөн ОУ-ын Технологийн туршлагатай оюутан солилцооны нийгэмлэгийн гишүүн сургууль юм.
1995 онд анхны орон нутгийн сүлжээг их сургууль байгуулагдсан. Түүнээс хойш их сургуулын инженер, техникчид сургууль яамдыг сүлжээгээр холбож хөгжүүлэх талаар чуулж цуглаж байсан.
Мөн маш олон орчин үеийн комьпютеруудаар тоноглосон комьпютерын лабартори бий болсон.
Тэдгээр лабарториуд бүгд интернетийн сүлжээнд холбогдсон. Бидний цахим хаяг бол та манай сургуулийн хаягаар зочлоод үзээрэй , манай сургуулийн талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл байгаа.
Номын сан
ШУТ-н номын сан нь 1967 онд байгуулагдсан, Монголын үндэсний Их сургуулиудын төв, үндсэн номын сан юм.
Шинэ 7 давхар , тухтай барилга нь 2009-2010 оны хичээлийн жилд буюу ШУТИС-н 50 жилийн ойн баяраар баригдаж нээгдсэн. Номын санд маань професорууд, лекторууд, багш оюутнууд, судалгааны ажилчид ажиллахаас гадна, уншигч хянагчид өөрсдийн мэдлэг боловсролоороо өргөтгөн баяжуулж байдаг.
Энэ орчин үеийн шаардлага хэрэгцээтэй мэдээлэл үйлчилгээг бэлтгэдэг мөн ойрын үед номын сан болохоор зорьж байна.
Exercise - 2. Fill in the correct word.
1) Civil engineer developed scientific research of adopting foreign technology in national construction.
2) Geologists study about rocks and minerals their compositions.
3) Mining engineers study how oil lubricates the moving parts.
4) Power engineers study all kinds of energy.
5) Mechanic engineers excavate minerals be machineries.
Exercise - 3. Underline the correct word.
I. The building was established / destroyed in 1980.
II. The library provides / proves all information and services.
III. Each semester is made up of 16 teaching/ examination weeks.
IV. The university has been developing extension of foreign/ national cooperation.
V. The new building of the library was completed / competed last year.
VI. There are many computer laboratories equipped/ assembled with modern PCs and techniques.
N |
ew words:
Energy-эрч хүч
Establishment-тогтсон, нутагшсан
Producе- үйлдвэрлэх
Library-номын сан
Build-босгох, байгуулах
Mineral- эрдэс,ашигт малтмал
Scientific-шинжлэх ухаан
Adopt-хүүхэд үрчилж авах
laboratory –ажлын орчин
Rock-хад, цохио
Moving-нүүгч, шилжих
Excavate-малтах, ухах
Association-нэгдэл, холбоо
Semester-хагас жил
Assemble- цуглуулах,угсрах,дуудах anniversary-ой, ойн баяр
Based- үндэслэгдсэн
Exercise-1. Read the text and fill in with appropriate words.
The school Where I Study
I am a student in the school of Mining engineering at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. I would be an engineer of deposition technology .Now I tell you about my school a little. Our school was established in 1959. The school has six departments such as Mining technology, mining management with stabilization development, mining machinery, mining electricity equipment, deposition technology and geodetic mineral surveyor. There are two research centers in our school MUST. The school provides studying and training for students to prepare them to be engineers in mining, power, civil,geology, mechanic, petroleum.The school offers Bachelor and Master Degree programs in Deposition technology. The school has good cooperation with schools and universities in the United states, Japan, Russian, Republic of Korea , Germany, Ukraine , Canada , People’s rebublic of China . School organize internship and field practice with companies and professional institutes. The school plays an important role in research and teaching in professionals engineering fields. There are many leading professionals in field of technical and natural sciences work in the School. The School organizes many interesting activities among the students and teachers. The school has a library ,a cafeteria and a sport hall where service for the students. That’s all about my school. We are very proud of our school. I think my students years are the greatest period of my life.
Exercise – 2 . Find the definitions to the words using dictionaries.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->diploma project a.Work to be done in order to obtain diploma
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->master degree’s thesis b. the topic which are chosen to gain master’s degree.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->compulsory courses which should be studied compulsory
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->post graduate students d.master’s and doctor’s degree students
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->tuition fee that should be paid for school and university
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->elective lessons f.lessons which are chosen by oneself
<!--[if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->research field g.field that students does research
<!--[if !supportLists]-->8. <!--[endif]-->distance learning that is held by TV,internet and other information resources
Exercise – 3 . Underline the correct word .
<!--[if !supportLists]-->A. <!--[endif]-->The course is designed to develop / promote special study skills.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->B. <!--[endif]-->The school only keeps / Holds evening classes.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->C. <!--[endif]-->She has been accepted /admitted at York University.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->D. <!--[endif]-->Apply for a fee / grant if you want to go to university.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->E. <!--[endif]-->If you want to make the grade / result you will have to study very hard.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->F. <!--[endif]-->Jacob is in the lesson / unit where attend too many students.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->G. <!--[endif]-->You must do recording information during a class / lecture.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->H. <!--[endif]-->We prepare for the test / term in the library.
Exercise- 4 . Tell us about your school.
New words:
science- Шинжлэх ухаан
such as-гэх мэт
provides-нийлүүлэх, хангах
offers-санал гаргах
bachelor-ганц бие
degree-эрдмийн зэрэг
cooperation-хамтын ажиллагаа
organize-зохион байгуулах
internship-тд хязгаарлалтаар оруулах байр
institute-их дээд сургууль
important-чухал, ач холбогдолтой
role- үүрэг, дүр
among-дунд талд,хооронд
cafeteria-өөртөө үйлчлэх гуанз
hall-танхим,хүлээн авах өрөө
proud of- бардам
period-цаг хугацаа